
Thursday, April 4, 2013

Currently April

I am linking up with Farley's Currently for April (for the first time :) Hopefully I can get into the currently tradition. It seems that EVERYONE LOVES it!

"Keep your head up, my LOOOOOOuUUUhhVe"...LOVE LOVE the Lumineers, 'nough said!

My mini-vaca to Charlotte. I took my 11 year old cousin to Carowinds. I haven't been since middle school and had a blast getting jostled around all day. I also LOVED spending time with her even though she's starting to turn into a teenager! 
(oh, first pic of me on my blog...Dat's cool! :) 

Thinking's getting late, but I need to get over to escuella to make some copies for Monday. But I reaaaaallly want to go to Tanger and pretend my break isn't almost over! If only I could wing it without my copies (or get to school early on Monday morning), but hey, that's JUST-NOT-ME. Not the winging it part, that's totally me sometimes:) but the early Monday morning part. That would just be lyin'! 
more break...see above :) 
is a coral blazer (the newest fad) a need? Aqua/turquoise would work too, but I just bought a flowered turquoise necklace that would look awesome with a coral blazer with cuffed arm. Hence, Tanger shopping time, please! 
My advice for TPT-ers would be go ahead and switch to powerpoint. I LOVE LOVE making my creations in powerpoint now. The main reason is because of the EASE of making thumbnail pictures for preview images. (With the click of a button, you can have the thumbnails ready to upload, stack for a collage image, and right there to easily post about on your blog). Basically, you go to FILE, SAVE AS, OTHER FORMATS, then change the file type to JPEG or another image type, then say SAVE ALL SLIDES in this document. Powerpoint makes a file on your computer named after the ppt file. It's so AH-MAZING that this week I took my Theme Bulletin Board Labels product that was perfectly fine and remade it in powerpoint so that I could get better image files of it. Of course, I added some pizzazz to it since I was already doing the work.



Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Hi! I found your blog through the currently linky and it is sooo cute! I recently bought a coral blazer and I love it! I found it at Nordstrom's about a month ago! I'm obsessed with the Lumineers too and had them on a currently a few months back! They never get old! Enjoy the rest of your spring break!
    Beach Lovin' Teach

  2. Love the Lumineers! Can we just call Steven & tell him we need 1 more wee;?? ;)


  3. Thanks for sharing the Lumineers song!! LOVE!! :)
    I'm so grateful for PowerPoint. Creating products would be so difficult without it!


  4. PowerPoint is absolutely easier to use! When I started, I used Word and then read on someone's blog to switch to PowerPoint. Great advice :)


  5. Just stumbled upon your blog..I am your NEWEST follower! I agree that I want more time for Spring Break--it's never long enough is it?!

  6. Hey yall,

    Thanks for stopping by! Marie, I didn't find my coral blazer yet, but will check out Nordstrom. I did lots of damage elsewhere! Oh my, I need to go back to school so that I will stop spending money! Ashley, I don't think we can get more time, but it will be "summer" before we know it. Unfortunately, I will be devastated that my current kiddos have "left the building." Super sad face!

    Liz and Courtney, my other favorite thing about powerpoint thumbnails can be seen in the before and after pics--with powerpoint making the thumbnails no blinking cursors in the preview files! Yay! Mrs. Penna, thanks for stopping by and I will head your way for another 5th grade blog to follow :)

    Happy last few days of spring break!
