I wanted to make sure you saw my 2014-2015 highlights posts. This post serves as a summary of my Top 10 Highlights from last year, including my bonus post of my favorite Math Highlights. Oh, and don't miss my "Stop Comparing Yourself to the Highlights Reel." It's perfect for back to school inspiration and helping calm your mind.

2014-2015 is a wrap! Personally, my brain starts transitioning to the next school year around March. Call it spring fever, but we're at the 300 yard mark in a 400 yard dash. Routines and procedures are {mostly} running smoothly, and I have some brain space available for thinking about next year.
Never in my career have I reflected on the school year as in depth as I have this past month. Making a Top 10 Highlights list forced me to reflect on the best parts of the 2014-2015 school year. As I shared many resources and project ideas, I documented my school year and cataloged some of my favorite classroom projects and experiences, most of them brand-new this year.
I'd like to impart to you that this reflective documentation of my work was a priceless teacher experience. During my New Year's goal setting period, I realized that I had become the kind of teacher who throws her planbook away each year {not literally} and starts from scratch {not all the time, but way too often}. This is not very efficient and often leaves me feeling like a first year teacher. This is unnecessary and I made a commitment to myself to stop reinventing the wheel ALL the time. This is not to say that I am unwilling to develop new lessons and materials, but that I should begin with considering what I have done in the past more often. My time is very important now that I have a family to love and take care of. Teaching should be manageable and falling back on what worked in the past is critical to managing this career. {I know your district probably won't say that to you, but take it from my 10 years of experience. Promise!}
Taking the time to announce what I loved @tarheelstateteacher.com will help me remember all that I did this year AND will help me choose to use some of these classroom activities again and again. If you can't tell, I highly recommend taking the time to reflect on this year's highlights--for now, stay away from all the stuff you want to change, and focus on the good stuff, what you and your students loved and why you loved it. Reignite the fire as you rejuvenate for next year!

I hope you found something that piqued your interest and inspired you as you plan for your 2015-2016 school year. {I'd love to hear more about your thoughts in the comments.} If you missed any of my highlights, you can click through here.
#10 Transitioning to a New School
#9 Spiral Math Homework
#8 "One Thing" Goal Setting Strategy
#7 School Budget {Govt} Project
#6 Bill Peet Author Study Projects
#5 Poetry Workshop
#4 {State} Travel Brochure Projects
#3 Classroom Read Alouds {Chapter Books}
#2 Ecosystems Museum Projects
#1 "Teach Me How to Teach" Projects
BONUS: Top Math Highlights
Don't be disappointed that this series has ended. I have re-envisioned my blog to really focus on reflection and documentation. My brain REALLY needs to reflect in a productive way and write. In truth, I am still reflecting on the school year. My "highlights" series focused on the positives from this year, but you will surely hear more about what I plan to continue doing and what I plan to change for 2015-2016. I look forward to sharing this love of teaching with you. Reignite your passion this summer!