Friday, I was so excited to bust out of school at 11:30 with my good friend Ashley @ Primary Teacherhood. Have I told you about my work-life balance goal? I'm not sure I have, but I have started calling it my "LIFE-work" balance, and missing a little school time to head to Greenville this weekend for a Carolina Blogger meet up was definitely in line with this goal :) Coming from a teach-a-holic, I hope you also are focusing on some LIFE-work balance along with all of your other goals for this new school year.
Anyway, Ashley and I left school early so that we could get on the road for our nearly 4-hour drive. I started to go a little nuts in the car, but believe me, it was worth it! Amanda Madden @ Teaching Maddeness put together the meet up, including planning our fabulous itinerary. We were a group of nearly 30 teacher-ladies taking Greenville by storm! We ate at the Lazy Goat and headed to Jack and Diane's piano bar for some ruckus, dancing, and all-out fun!
Here's me and Ash! Wish we had pictures of us dancing, but it must have been that bad! :) Unless some of my bloggy friends took a secret pic!
After a good night's rest, which was much needed, Ashley and I headed out to explore a little on our own before our fabulous lunch at Chicora Alley. Afterwards, we went on an awesome scavenger hunt around the city created by the awesome Ginger @ Gingersnaps Treats for Teachers. Have you been to Greenville? It's a beautiful city with lots to do and tons of places to eat. I love a city with open green spaces along with all the busy-ness. Just walking around and finding so many surprises was enough to make me want to come back real soon!

It was a great weekend of teacher-talk. We learned a lot about NC vs SC vs Georgia. Not all good, but I'm thinking this legislature and governor soon will pass in NC and someone will come to their senses. It was also fun to hear about everyone's different school settings and experiences. I felt great to be in the presence of such amazing teachers who truly enjoy the job and go above and beyond all the time. Today, this little saying popped into my head again. (Actually, I think about it all the time, but wanted to share so that you too are reminded.) |
I'd like to add, "I teach, dance, inspire, spread love, kindness, literacy, curiosity, perseverance, and aim to change the world. What's your superpower?" Want to catch up with all of the Carolina bloggers (and some from Georgia?:) Check out their amazing blogs. I'm following everyone on bloglovin' so why don't you do the same?
Sarah at Education Electrification
Diane at Fun in Second Grade

Elisabeth at Twins, Teaching, and Tacos

Kris at The Poole Pages
Brandee at Creating Lifelong Learners
Courtney at Second Grade Snapshots

Ginger at GingerSnaps

Elizabeth at Fun in Room 4B

Ashley from Primary Teacherhood
Emily AND Kerry at Third and Goal

Lauren at The Sweetest Thing
Jeannie at The Second Grade Surprise
Lana at 4 The Love of Teaching

Hey Girl! So great to meet you. Charleston here we come! :)
Creating Lifelong Learners
Follow me on Bloglovin'
It was great to meet you this much fun!!! I'm looking forward to next year :)
Such a fun weekend! Nice to meet you and chat about 5th :)
Teachery Tidbits