Sunday, April 5, 2015

~*GIVEAWAY*~PREP TOON Math Resources

Last year, I used the 6th grade PrepToon math videos with my 5th graders (4th and 5th grade videos were not yet available.) I loved the real-world math exposure that the videos allowed my 5th graders to experience instantly. They were not simply given word problems on paper, but were able to visualize them with the help of Preptoon's short videos. This was especially helpful for my inclusion students and students who have difficulty understanding what computations a word problem requires them to complete. The CD also includes worksheets that go along with the video questions.

After using the videos, I left this feedback:
{You can check out some of their awesome work with the freebies in their TPT store.}

I'm excited to be partnering with PrepToon to host my first ever giveaway! Math Animations by Preptoon has offered to give away a set of Common Core aligned math animations to one lucky winner. (4th, 5th, and 6th grade video sets are available).

"These story based animation videos which show importance of math in daily life will help you engage your kids and make your math class more fun and lively. Plus these videos are CCSS aligned and come with printable worksheets to follow along video activities."

Soon, PrepToon will be launching their website with "100's of interactive videos, 750+ critical thinking questions and printable worksheets." The videos will include interactive features where students input answers and receive feedback and data reports for teachers. This week, I had the opportunity to try out the website and it's features and I think it's going to be a classroom necessity!

You can preview one of the videos I watched here:
When the website launches, I will be holding another giveaway for access to it! {Holy MOLY, that's gonna be a great deal!} 

I will announce the winner on Monday April 13th, so submit your entry and stay tuned!!

Don't forget, I'm having a spring break appreciation sale through Monday!

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Yahoooooooo! Geometry!

I just updated one of my OLDEST PRODUCTS!!!!! Like, 5 years old, BABY! And I have to say, I am so glad I took the time to add more information to my Geometry Vocabulary Cards Product. This baby went from 13 pages to 25 and it's staying at the same price as it was!

I'm starting my Geometry unit on Monday so decided this was a great time to freshen up all of my Geometry resources. I hope to have the others updated this week! I hope you love this resource as I can't wait to use it with my 4th graders! My 5th graders LOVED the team competition we did with these vocabulary cards last year.

These 41 Geometry Vocabulary Terms aligned to 3rd-5th grade common core. Terms, a visual, and a written definition are included (for a total of 123 cards).
This set of Geometry Vocabulary cards can be used to provide students with multiple exposures to vocabulary terms and to offer them a study strategy for Geometry units and state assessments. I have included creative and fun ways for students to play with these cards and engage with the vocabulary terms. 
This resources also includes:
-Over 5 different activity and game ideas for utilizing the cards in your classroom (with cooperative groups, partners, stations, and independent activities-includes ideas for differentiation and scaffolding)
-Printing ideas that help you DIFFERENTIATE
-Common Core alignment
-6 pages that support the activity ideas
Don't forget, everything in my store is on Sale through Monday and tomorrow I'm announcing my GIVEAWAY contest! It's getting exciting UP-in-HerE! <3

Friday, April 3, 2015


Hello Followers!

My spring break is coming to an end. We go back on Monday! As I'm planning for our upcoming units, I'm having to make a few purchases of resources on TPT, so I thought, maybe you are planning too and YOU DESERVE A SALE!

My Teacher Appreciation Spring Break {you deserve it} sale runs now through Monday April 5th and everything is 20% off! It's a great time to grab my Multiplication Intervention Bundle or my Morning Meeting bundles at a super duper deal!

I'm also spending some time today updating my geometry files. I plan to put together a bundle by Sunday of all of my Geometry products, so be on the lookout! It's gonna look something like this {and if you already own some of my geometry products, be ready to download the new files!}
Also, I'm announcing a GIVE AWAY on Sunday for a FREE Year-Long Common Core Curriculum for Math from Prep Toons! Animation products for grades 4-6 are currently available. The set costs $20 on TPT but its over 35$ worth of value! Later this year, I will be hosting a giveaway for Preptoons newly launched website! You don't want to miss any of this fun! You must be following my BLOGFACEBOOK page, and TPT store in order to enter. Please follow Prep Toon on TPT as well. Go ahead and do it now to get ahead of the game! :)


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